

Lago do Fanal (Fairy Forest)

Fanal is a vast forest area located between the Seixal and Ribeira da Janela mountains (32°48’34.13″ N 17°08’27.61″ W). It hosts a centuries-old Til (Ocotea foetens) forest.

Police Headquarters Frankfurt

The old Frankfurt Police Headquarters at Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 11 in Frankfurt was built between 1911 and 1914 on an area of around 15,000 square meters and was officially opened in September 1914.


Knokke-Heist is a Belgian coastal town on the Dutch border with a beautiful and wide-spread sand beach.


Nago-Torbole is a little Italian town with approx. 2.800 inhabitants in the province Tirent. It belogons to the community Communitá Alto Garda e Ledro.

El Torcal de Antequera

El Torcal de Antequera is a nature reserve in the Sierra del Torcal mountain range, which is located in the south of Antequera in the province of Málaga. The area is known for ist unusual landforms and is regarded as one of the most impressive karst landscapes in Europe, which evolved when snow and rainwater dissolved limestone rocks.